What is APR on car finance?

Roman Danaev

21 July 2023

When you're looking into car finance, you'll come across the term APR, which stands for Annual Percentage Rate. This is the total cost of borrowing the money for your car, including the interest and any fees, shown as a percentage over a year.

What is APR?

APR, short for Annual Percentage Rate, is a fundamental concept to understand when exploring car finance options. It represents the total cost of borrowing for your car, expressed as a percentage. The APR includes both the interest rate charged by the lender and any additional fees associated with the loan.

Let's break it down further: Suppose you're taking out a car loan for £10,000 with an APR of 6%. This means that over the course of a year, you'll pay 6% of the loan amount in interest and fees. So, your total repayment at the end of the year would be £10,600.

Comparing APRs is an essential step in finding the best car finance deal. By doing so, you can ensure that you're getting a fair and transparent offer that suits your budget and financial goals.

How does APR work on car finance?

APR is a valuable tool that enables borrowers to compare different loan offers on a level playing field. It accounts for both the interest rate and any additional charges, providing a more accurate representation of the overall cost of borrowing.

Here's how it works: Imagine you're comparing two car finance offers from different lenders. Lender A offers a 4% interest rate with an APR of 4.5%, and Lender B offers a 3.5% interest rate with an APR of 4%. At first glance, it might seem like Lender B has the better deal with a lower interest rate. However, when you consider the APR, it becomes evident that Lender A is the more affordable option. This is because Lender A's APR accounts for additional fees that are included in the total cost, making it a more accurate representation of the loan's true cost.

Understanding car finance APR allows you to make well-informed decisions and choose a car finance option that fits your budget and financial needs.

How is APR calculated for car finance?

Calculating APR for car finance involves considering several factors. The lender takes into account the loan amount, the interest rate, and any additional fees charged for processing the loan.

Let's break down the process: Suppose you want to borrow £15,000 for a new car, and the lender offers an interest rate of 5.5%. Additionally, the lender charges a one-time processing fee of £300.

To calculate the APR, the lender combines the interest and the processing fee with the loan amount. So, the total amount borrowed is £15,000 + £300 = £15,300. Then, using the interest rate of 5.5%, the lender determines the interest for a year, which is £15,300 * 5.5% = £841.50.

Finally, to find the APR, the lender adds the interest (£841.50) to the processing fee (£300) and divides the total (£1,141.50) by the loan amount (£15,000). The result is 0.0761 or 7.61%. Therefore, the APR for this car finance deal is 7.61%.

What can affect your car finance APR?

The APR offered to borrowers can vary based on several factors. Both borrower-specific factors and external market conditions can influence the final APR.

  • Credit Rating: Your credit score plays a significant role in determining your APR. Borrowers with excellent credit scores typically receive lower APRs as they are considered lower-risk borrowers. On the other hand, those with poor credit history might receive higher APRs due to the perceived higher risk.
  • Loan Amount: In some cases, the loan amount can affect the APR. Smaller loan amounts might have slightly higher APRs, whereas larger loan amounts may be eligible for lower APRs.
  • Loan Term: The length of the loan term can impact the APR. Longer loan terms may have higher APRs, as they present a higher level of risk for the lender. Shorter loan terms, on the other hand, might offer lower APRs, but they may also result in higher monthly payments.

To secure the best APR on your car finance, it's essential to keep your credit history in good standing and consider factors like loan term and loan amount when negotiating with lenders.

What is a good APR for car finance?

A good APR for car finance typically falls between 3% to 5% for those with excellent credit. For individuals with good credit, APRs may range from 6% to 10%. However, the exact rate depends on factors like credit history, loan term, and the lender's terms. Generally, the lower the APR, the less interest you'll pay over the loan term, making it more affordable in the long run.

Representative vs. personal APR for car financing

When exploring car finance options, you'll often come across two types of APR: representative APR and personal APR. Understanding the difference between the two is vital to make an informed decision.

  1. Representative APR: The representative APR is the advertised rate that lenders use to promote their car finance offers. It is the rate that is typically shown in advertisements and on their websites. However, it's essential to remember that the representative APR is not necessarily the rate you will receive.
  2. Personal APR: The personal APR is the rate that you'll be offered based on your individual circumstances. It takes into account factors like your credit history, credit rating, and other financial details. Your personal APR may be higher or lower than the representative APR, depending on how the lender assesses your risk as a borrower.

Fixed vs variable APR for car financing

Car finance deals can offer either fixed or variable APRs. Each type has its advantages and disadvantages, so it's essential to understand the difference before making a decision.

  • Fixed APR: With a fixed APR, the interest rate remains constant throughout the entire loan term. This means that your monthly payments will remain the same, providing you with a predictable budget and peace of mind.
  • Variable APR: On the other hand, a variable APR can change over time. It is often tied to an underlying benchmark interest rate, such as the Bank of England's base rate. If the benchmark rate changes, your APR and monthly payments may also change, making it harder to predict your future expenses.

Choosing between fixed and variable APR depends on your preference for stability and risk. A fixed APR is suitable for those who prefer consistent monthly payments, while a variable APR might be more appealing to those willing to take some uncertainty in exchange for the possibility of lower rates in the future.

Interest rate vs. APR on car finance

While both the interest rate and the APR relate to the cost of borrowing money for your car, they are not the same thing. Understanding the distinction between the two is essential to avoid confusion when comparing car finance options.

  • Interest Rate: The interest rate is the percentage of the loan amount that the lender charges for borrowing the money. It is the primary cost of the loan and determines how much you'll pay in interest over the loan term.
  • APR (Annual Percentage Rate): The APR, as we've discussed, includes the interest rate along with any additional fees charged by the lender. It represents the total cost of borrowing over a year and gives you a more comprehensive view of the loan's total expenses.

The difference between the interest rate and the APR is that the APR provides a more accurate representation of the total cost of the loan, as it considers additional fees beyond just the interest rate.

How to reduce APR on a car loan

Lowering the car finance APR can save you money and make your monthly payments more manageable. Here are some tips to help you achieve a more favourable APR:

  1. Improve Your Credit Score: Your credit rating is a crucial factor in determining your APR. A higher credit score demonstrates responsible financial behaviour and can lead to a lower APR. To improve your credit score, pay bills on time, reduce outstanding debt, and check your credit report for any errors.
  2. Shop Around: Don't settle for the first car finance offer you come across. Different lenders may offer varying APRs, so it's essential to shop around and compare deals. Consider both banks and online lenders, and don't forget to include credit unions in your search.
  3. Choose a car properly: The car you choose for financing can impact the APR offered by lenders, as they consider factors like the age, make, model, and resale value of the vehicle when determining your APR. Opting for a newer car or one with good resale value may result in a more competitive APR.
  4. Understand the terms of an agreement: The length of your car loan term is a key factor in determining your APR and overall borrowing costs. Longer loan terms often mean lower monthly payments but can result in a higher APR, leading to more interest paid over the loan's life. On the other hand, shorter loan terms typically have higher monthly payments but may come with a lower APR, resulting in less interest paid overall.
  5. Consider a Down Payment: Providing a down payment upfront can reduce the amount you need to borrow, which may lead to a lower APR.
  6. Shorten the Loan Term: Opting for a shorter loan term may result in a lower APR, although it might also mean higher monthly payments. However, paying off the loan sooner can save you money in interest over time.
  7. Negotiate with the Lender: Don't be afraid to negotiate with the lender. If you have a good credit history and financial standing, you may be able to secure a more favorable APR through negotiation.

By implementing these strategies, you can improve your chances of getting the best deal on your car finance.

Final words

In conclusion, understanding car finance APR is crucial when exploring your options for purchasing a new car. APR represents the total cost of borrowing, including both the interest rate and any additional fees, and allows you to compare different loan offers effectively. Various factors can influence your APR, such as your credit rating, loan term, and the type of car you choose. To get the best deal on your car finance, work on improving your credit score, shop around for lenders, negotiate for better terms, and choose the right car that suits your needs and budget.